Somatic Experiencing, Body Work
About Alé’s Work:
Somatic Experiencing sessions with touch work. It is a body-based form of healing where we focus on how your nervous system is processing your lived experiences by holding space for deep listening and creating space for unmetabolized experiences to be processed in a safe container. SE has a scientific basis on how the nervous system functions and regulates (or not) by itself, and it uses techniques to help clients have more capacity, and more tools to deal with life circumstances without becoming overwhelmed. I draw from my knowledge in Focusing, Polyvagal Theory, Attachment theory and nineteen years of accompanying and listening to my client's bodies through Esalen massage, which is based on Gestalt concepts, and a big part of the origins of Somatic Experiencing.
We can work with what is present for you in the moment, past experiences that are affecting your day-to-day capacity to enjoy and be present in life, which could be developmental, or event based. (by these I mean adverse childhood experiences or accidents, surgeries, etc.)
My clients report having a greater sense of vitality, more awareness of how their body responds to situations, ability to self-regulate, set clear boundaries, and a greater sense of intimacy with themselves.
Bodywork Sessions can range from precise deep tissue and trigger points for treating specific pain and restriction, to flowing strokes and stretches that invite a sense of openness in the whole body. Treatments are tailored to individual needs. Through Somatic inquiry, awareness is invited to places where there is tension and resistance as a means to uncover and release underlying holding patterns.
The foundation of my work is Esalen Massage which is known for its long flowing strokes that weave in many other techniques. I have focused a substantial part of my practice to Trigger Point Therapy which I also taught for ten years in Buenos Aires. I like to study how the body responds and adapts to changes and restrictions, and figure out how to release deep held patterns, both habitual and postural.
Sessions can include deep tissue, trigger point therapy, Thai-style stretching, breathing awareness, and moments of stillness for integration.
Since my background has been infused with the search for greater awareness, I invite my clients to participate either passively or actively through somatic awareness in their own healing, so it will feel like a collaborative experience where you and your body feel truly met and hopefully, restored. The result is a sense of intimacy with oneself and a wonderful sense of freedom in the body.